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Some life-changing tips 
for your space

We are all so busy, our homes can get out of control with clutter and disorganization.  When it gets that way we just want to throw up our hands!  I find that incorporating a few tips for home organizing helps keep us from getting to that point.  If you have other tips you use, I'd love to hear from you! 

Helpful Tips

What Does Your Gut Say?

If you are struggling with whether to keep something or not, use your first intuitive thought or gut reaction. If you are vacillating for a long time whether or not to keep something or not, it is creating conflict inside. It probably means to let it go.

Let Your Belongings Serve Someone Else

As we let go of our belongings, whether they are taken from us or are no longer serving us, we can thank them and send them off to serve someone else.

Create a Space to Work

Find an open counter.

Set up a folding table.

Use your dining room or kitchen table.

Keep It Simple

Choose one small area only to tackle.

  • The kitchen junk drawer  

  • One drawer in your dresser;  socks, underwear, t-shirts, leggings

  • A book shelf

  • One shelf or cabinet in your bathroom

  • Or any place that is annoying you, but isn't too big


Don't  try to tackle your whole closet, all your books, your entire bathroom.

Has It Served Its Purpose?

If a belonging feels special because it was a gift from someone dear to you, ask yourself, "Is this item lifting my spirits when I look at it, wear it, or hold it in my hand?"  If not, it probably means it has served it's purpose and you can pass it on to someone else who might enjoy it. A lot of people fear the person who gave them the gift will feel hurt, it's possible, and in most cases people will not realize that you have let it go.

Set a Timer

Decide how long you want to work on a single project  —half an hour, an hour, and hour and a half?  Think about what you can handle at the moment.

Set the timer and BEGIN. When the timer goes off, assess whether you want to continue or you want to stop. If you need time to clean up, set the timer for another 10-15 minutes.  Voila! You have begun the process.

Time to Make a Decision

Pick up each item.

Make a decision .

Trash? Recycle, Keep, Donate? or.....

Can't decide? Don't waste time right now deliberating.

Put that in the undecided bag.

By the way, it is not ok to put everything into the Undecided Bag.  

In the Words of Elizabeth Gilbert

When clearing clutter I have found it helpful to use an inspired teaching from the book, "Eat, Pray, Love," by Elizabeth Gilbert. Her Bali Medicine Man explained to her, "Everything we have in this world is on loan to us by the Universe." This helped me appreciate the enjoyment I receive from my belongings and also be ok when their usefulness or beneficial presence has dissipated.

Generate a Positive Shift

Removing something from your environment that feels lifeless, will generate positive energetic shift.

Tools for a Small Project

Set out 5  brown shopping bags.

Label them: Donate, Trash, Recycle, Keep, Undecided. 

Now you have places to put the items you are sorting through.

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